What Size Pressure Washer To Start A Business

A large and powerful pressure washer allows you to enhance your pressure cleaning capabilities, and larger businesses typically possess more than 4000 psi pressure washers. If you only require a pressure washer for personal usage, a little electric-powered pressure washer will suffice. Still, if you want to make a good living from pressure washing, you will need strong equipment to perform the work quickly and efficiently.

Time is money, and high-pressure washers may help you clean a huge area quickly. If you need to clean a full parking lot or truck yard with a pressure washer, a standard portable pressure washer will not be enough.

In this article, we will discuss the optimum pressure washer size you need to start your own business. So let’s get started.

Let’s Discuss Some Major Pressure Washer Things!

Starting a pressure washer business involves some knowledge and is not the same as using a pressure washer for residential use. Pressure washers for business provide greater versatility and can clean much more thoroughly than standard electric residential pressure washers. To establish a pressure washer business, you will need many equipment and components. These are the basic pressure washer business things that you will need:

Choose An Appropriate Engine

It must have sufficient power if you want to use a pressure washer for quick cleaning. Several engines are ideal for starting a pressure washer business. Still, if you want the finest results with the most efficiency, a 688 cc, 3600 rpm honda engine with 22 horsepower or 16.5-kilowatt power will be an excellent choice.

A Powerful Pump

A decent engine is worthless without a good pump, and if you want rapid and effective cleaning, a triplex plunger pump is an ideal alternative. They have the maximum efficiency as well as the highest dependability. They take roughly 20 horsepower to create 5,000 psi of pressure with a flow rate of 4.5 GPM. Depending on your demands, the engine and pump requirements may be higher.

Large Water Tank

Pressure washers for business use a lot of water, and you might not be able to get fresh water wherever you go, so a water tank is a good idea. A pressure washer trailer must have plastic water tanks. The amount of water required is related to the capacity of your pump. You must have enough water to last at least one hour. If you are utilizing a 4.5 GPM pump, a 270-gallon or 1000-liter water tank is required, and it may be larger if necessary.

Extra Fuel

A strong engine consumes a lot of gasoline, and you must take adequate precautions to save enough fuel to operate the engine for an extended period. The pressure washer trailer must contain 2 gallons of additional gasoline.

Long High-Pressure Hose

Depending on the operation, a lengthy hose will be required to clean the region without relocating the pressure washer. A minimum of 50 feet of hose is required, but if you are unwilling to be limited by hose length, you can have a hose of 80 to 100 feet.

Hose Reel

A hose of 50 to 100 feet cannot be thrown randomly with a high-power pressure washer; otherwise, the horseshoe’s life would be reduced. A hose reel may perform an excellent job of retaining the hose. A hand crank hose, which takes physical effort to crank the hose into the reel, can be used. A spring mechanism that can be actuated by swiftly pulling the hose can draw the hose in the hose reel. Electric motor-powered hose reels can also be activated by pushing a button. You can select a reel based on your tastes.

Appropriate Detergent Tank

A large enough detergent tank is also required for an effective cleaning effect. You may need to use separate detergent tanks for different surfaces, which will boost cleaning efficiency and save time and effort.

Things You Need To Consider When Starting A Pressure Washer Business

A commercial pressure washer must have high power and bigger components. Aside from that, these are the things that your pressure washer business must have. These qualities have nothing to do with your pressure washer company but are required for safe and seamless operations:

Tool And First Aid Kit

Several components in the pressure washer trailer might fail or malfunction. There may be a fault in the engine, pump, or vehicle that you are driving, and you must carry a sufficient tool kit to address these small problems as soon as possible. A first aid pack is also required for your pressure washer business because it is unquestionably a risky business.

Reliable Wheels With Spare

If your pressure washing business requires a lot of travel, you’ll need full-size wheels that can handle any terrain. A pressure washer should contain at least one complete spare wheel and proper tire replacement equipment.

Safety Features

For best safety, your pressure washer business must have all the required safety features, such as hitch chains, breakaway brakes, reflectors, clearance lights, and so on. Also, ensure sufficient lighting is installed on your pressure washer equipment.

Things To Consider When Assembling The Pressure Washer For Business

A pressure washer company needs skill, and the greatest weight must be placed on the front side of the truck on which the pressure washer equipment is mounted. The water tank is the biggest component, accounting for over 75% of the total weight. Therefore it must be positioned in front for maximum stability. Consider that the center of gravity will be different if you are driving without water.

Visit More: What Size Garden Hose For Pressure Washer?

Final Thoughts

Larger businesses often use pressure washers with more than 4000 psi because high-pressure washers can help you clean a vast area rapidly. A 688 cc, 3600 rpm Honda engine rated at 22 horsepower or 16.5 kilowatts can power a triplex plunger pump capable of producing more than 4.5 GPM and 4000 pressure. For your business, you will also require a huge water tank. A 270-gallon or 1000-liter water tank is required when using a 4.5-GPM pump, and it can be bigger if necessary. Extra fuel, a long high-pressure hose, a hose reel, and a suitable detergent tank are also required for the pressure washer business.

Jose Kelly