What Soap To Use In Pressure Washer For Windows

Pressure washers are usually used to clean heavy, hard-to-clean surfaces such as patios, decks, cars, sidewalks, driveways, siding etc. experts do not recommend using the pressure washer on windows and delicate surfaces as high pressure can cause them to shatter. Still, if you own a big house with too many windows that are beyond the reach of regular cloth cleaning, then you can use a pressure washer. 

Using a pressure washer on windows requires high caution, and you should be very careful. Gas-powered pressure washers for window cleaning are a big no, and you should choose a low-power electric pressure washer for the job with minimum pressure settings. 

You will also need soap or detergent for proper cleaning of windows. Usually, windows are not cleaned with pressure, so there is little to no detergent that you can use with a pressure washer for windows.

In this article, we are going to discuss the soaps that you can use for windows in pressure washers, and we shall also discuss the safety protocols that you should follow. So let’s get started.

What Soap To Use In A Pressure Washer For Windows?

There are different types of soaps available in the market for window cleaning, but most of them are too expensive, and there are very few soaps that you can use with a pressure washer. Using home ingredients, prepare your window cleaning soap for the pressure washer. These are some of the most common and economical soaps that you can prepare:

Dishwashing Soap

Dishwashing soap can be easily used for window cleaning and is readily available in every house. Making pressure washer soap from a dishwashing agent is very easy. You would need one and a half tablespoons of the dishwasher to put in 1 gallon. Mix the solution, and then it will be ready to use. 

You can use any common dishwasher that has sodium lauryl sulfate in it. If you find the solution not powerful enough to clean the windows, you can add a little amount of white vinegar to increase its strength.


Ammonia Based Soap

If you want a quick drying effect of cleaning windows without any harmful effects, then you should choose ammonia-based soap. Ammonia is extremely powerful in lifting deep stains and does not harm the pressure washer. 

The process of creating ammonia detergent is very easy. You will need half a cup of ammonia and 2 cups rubbing alcohol. Mix these chemicals in one gallon of water and mix it properly before putting it in the pressure washer. The ammonia is very effective against dirt and grime but make sure to rinse the window before applying the soap.

Washing Soda-Based Soap

Fill the bucket with one gallon of water, half a cup of borax, and washing soda. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of organic dish soap with no hazardous components. Now, mix the solution and set it aside for 30 minutes after firmly covering it. Pour it into the detergent tank and use it with the pressure washer.

Laundry Detergent

You may make window cleaning soap quickly by combining laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaning powder, and a mild bleaching agent.

First, combine 100 mL of laundry detergent with 200 mL of all-purpose cleaning powder and let this dry mixture overnight in a cool, dry area. Now dilute your bleaching chemical in 5 liters of water by 1 liter. After that, gently incorporate the dry mixture into it and continue to combine. Make sure there are no suds that might become trapped in the pressure washer’s tubing. The bleaching agent is used for maximum cleaning; you can avoid it if you do not want to use it.

Phosphate Based Detergent

If you’re washing your windows after a lengthy period, a decent detergent will come in handy. You may make your detergent by combining laundry detergent, hot water, and phosphate. First, thoroughly mix 12 teaspoons of laundry detergent in a gallon of hot water. The ideal method is to incorporate it gradually. Add one-third cup of phosphate to the solution and continue to stir it. Please make sure there are no suds before cleaning your windows with them.


Trisodium Phosphate Soap

You may also make a cleaning agent for windows by combining one-third cup of laundry detergent powder and Trisodium Phosphate in one gallon of hot water, which will be plenty for your requirements.

Use Regular Detergent

If you do not trust the homemade detergent or soap, you can purchase them from the market. There is special pressure washer grade window cleaning soap available. Still, you can also use detergents for cars, siding, etc. These detergents do not contain harmful chemicals and are effective against window stains. 

Safety Precaution For Window Cleaning

Professionals do not recommend using the pressure washer on windows; there are good reasons for that. The glass can easily shatter due to high pressure, but if you have decided to do it, then these are safety measures that you should follow:

  • Always use the wide angle nozzle of 40 to 65 degrees.
  • Use the pressure washer from a distance, and do not keep the nozzle too close to the surface.
  • Make sure to wear proper safety gear.
  • Remove any unwanted items near the windows before cleaning
  • Use the pressure washer as the last solution for window cleaning. 
  • Do not let anyone sit or stand on the opposite side of your cleaning window. 
  • Make sure to wipe the windows with a dry cloth to remove any dirt or grime that you can remove.

Wrap Up

In this article, we have discussed several homemade window cleaning agents that you can use with your pressure washer. It is very uncommon to clean the windows with a pressure washer; if you find it necessary, you should use a low-power pressure washer with a high-angle nozzle. Window cleaning soap for pressure is not easily available in the market, but you can easily make them using regular home items. Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent to use on any surface. You can also use dishwashing soap, laundry detergent, or similar items to prepare the soap for windows.

Jose Kelly